Pregnancy. It’s a process that’s both simple and complicated.
You may have a lot of questions about how pregnancy happens. We’ve rounded up a few of the pregnancy questions we hear often so you can be in the know.
Can A Person Get Pregnant If…?
Yes. Most people with a uterus, ovaries and eggs ovulate (release an egg) about 14 days after the start of their last period, but this timing can be different for everyone. And it can change from month to month. That means it’s possible to get pregnant any time during a cycle.
Yes. Any time a person has unprotected sex, there’s a chance you’ll get pregnant. Even if it just happens one time.
Yes. Anytime someone with a penis and someone with a uterus, ovaries and eggs has unprotected sex, the partner with a uterus can get pregnant.
You need someone with a uterus and eggs and someone with a penis and sperm to cause a pregnancy.
If a person has a uterus, ovaries and eggs, they can get pregnant if they have penile-vaginal intercourse, regardless of gender identity.
Sexual intercourse can result in pregnancy when a sperm is released from a penis and meets an egg.
It’s unlikely. Sperm do not survive long outside of the body. However, there is a small chance of pregnancy.
Yes. Pulling out can prevent ejaculation into the vagina, which MIGHT prevent a pregnancy - HOWEVER, pulling out does not guarantee that some sperm has not been released out of the penis into the vagina. This is not a very effective method of birth control.
Preejaculate, or “precum,” could contain sperm and can come out before ejaculation and before pulling out.
Unlikely. Sperm must enter the vagina to cause a pregnancy. The anus is not connected to the reproductive system. However, due to the proximity of the anus and the vagina, there is a remote possibility.
Yes. The sexual position does not matter if sperm is entering the vagina during sex.
Yes. Chlorine may kill sperm if exposed directly, but during sexual intercourse, the sperm enters the vagina directly from the penis and does not get exposed to the chlorine in the hot tub or pool.
Yes. There is no research that demonstrates marijuana significantly affects sperm production or contributes to sterility (inability to create children.) You should assume sperm is able to cause a pregnancy.